Sunday, 19 May 2013

Layla Sailor

For my course I had to create a creative CV, which was then to be judged by 3 industry guests in the hopes of winning an internship. I was lucky enough to win a place with Layla Sailor, a freelance photographer based in Manchester who specialises in film making, prop-making and art direction. After hearing her talk about her work I was inspired and ecstatic that I was going to be able to assist her. 

Layla often collaborates with Lisa Stannard, who she met while studying and working in Manchester. Their collaborative work is exciting with Stannards' collections coming to life through Sailors' work. She also collaborates with jewellery designer wonderhaus, which again is based in Manchester, specialising in acrylic and plastic jewellery. I am in love with their Manchester skyline clear cuff!

Layla works a lot with colour, which started in her university days. Her work often has a Scandinavian feel to it, which she plays upon and adapts in different ways. Her style of work is different to y ow and I'm excited to see her processes and see how I can adapt what I learn to my own work.

You can view more work at